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Reminders / Blog

  •   We have come to the begining of heartworm season. Please make sure you have started your animals heartworm/flea medication and finish it in November. If you have not picked up or order your medication please do so to keep your family member protected.    

February is Dental Month

February is Dental Month.Unfortunately, the majority of adult dogs and cats have periodontal disease that can cause them to:  lose teeth,  cause destruction of part of the jawbone and can be a serious threat to the animals overall health. Regular dental cleanings are the only way to prevent gingivitis and/or periodontal disease. If your adult cat or dog has considerable tartar build-up their teeth should be professionally cleaned.

We also encourage you to take advantage of our February discount for Dental Cleanings.


Call the clinic today to set up an appointment for your four legged  family member to get their teeth cleaned.  


Holiday Hazards

1) Ethylene Glycol (Antifreeze)

This common toxin can cause acute renal failure with as small an amount consumed as 4.2mL/kg in dogs and 1.5mL/kg in cats. Usually the first signs seen are lethargy, wobbliness, increased drinking and increased urination. If emergency treatment is not instituted this toxin is usually fatal.


2) Chocolate

Seen more frequently during holidays, symptoms can be variable depending on the “purity of the chocolate”. Symptoms include increased thirst, vomiting, restlessness, increased heart rate or arrhythmia and can progress to seizures.


3) Prescription drugs

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays added to visiting family and friends, ingestion of our human medications can be a real hazard. Dogs and cats do not react the same way as people do.  Consulting with your veterinarian or Poison Control can be a life saver.


4) Poinsettia

Commonly thought to be “the” toxin of holidays the plant rarely causes more than gastric upset. Having said that, it is best to keep these ornamental plants out or reach (or out of the house) to avoid vomiting and diarrhea in your pet.


5) Raisins/Grapes

Because the mechanism of toxicity is not known, we do not know how much is too much with raisins so please be careful as this “treat” can cause renal failure and even death.


6) Mistletoe

A rather infrequent toxin because of rarity and expense, mistletoe can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fluid loss and even death has been reported.


7) Macadamia nuts

Although the chemical causing the toxin has not yet been identified this ingestion can cause depression, inability to use the hind limbs or stand, in coordination and vomiting. Fortunately, this toxicity is usually self-limiting but unpleasant during the episode.


8) Bulbs

The amaryllis is a favorite for many this time of year but its bulb can cause vomiting and diarrhea in both dogs and cats.


9) Road Salt

Rarely is this seen as an acute oral ingestion but road salt can cause significant discomfort on the pads of dogs. Combine this with a small cut and that can become quite painful.


10) Foreign bodies

Toys, ribbons, ornaments – is it any wonder that the occurrence of these accidents increases during the holiday season. Just like you would with a baby in the house – pet proof the holidays and avoid an emergency trip to the veterinarian this holiday season.


11) Table scraps/change in diet

Sure everyone enjoys a bit of turkey during the holidays but allowing your pets to ingest bones or letting grandma feed the dog the leftovers could result in a trip to the veterinarian. Try to avoid changes in your pet’s diet as much as possible.


12) Hypothermia


During the winter months hypothermia can and does affect our furry friends. Cats are especially prone to this and more so over the busy holiday season when they may choose to stay outdoors to avoid the hustle and bustle inside.


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